black and white profile of a woman with her fingers near her lips


Level 2 Acne Treatment

Acne is a constant irritation, and can be induced by medicine or other medical conditions in the body. This treatment is to calm and keep the skin calm. At the same time follicular impactions are removed and to allow the skin to purge on it's own. Only organic products are used for this level two acne treatment.

Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea treatment uses a Dr. Lucas Pulverizer Championniere to infuse product. The cool puliverized mist and micro massage provides deeper cleansing and a higher level of penetration of organic products to heal and sedate. 

Rosacea treatments are made to desensitize the skin. This is a treatment inside a treatment, keeping the skin calm throughout the procedure, while treating rosacea acne at the same time. Calming organic products are used with a Dr. Lucas Pulverizer Championniere, an atomizer that pulverizes ingredients. It provides a cool mist and delivers products into the skin without too much touching, which allows for the acne to be addressed. Soothing and balancing is the goal in this very delicate treatment.

Rosacea & Acne Treatment

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